Parenting & Getaways

Parenting & Getaways

Parenting Getaways

DreamKacher organises Parenting Getaways. These are aimed at building a strong parent-child relationship by following a structured programme which paves the way for the communication channels to open up.

Weekend Getaways.

Weekend Getaways. These are structured programmes starting on Saturday and ending on Sunday. Highlights of these getaways is spending quality time with your child / children, doing activities together, converse with each other on given topics, social media detoxification etc.

Long Weekend Getaways

Long Weekend Getaways. These are structured programmes starting on a Friday / Saturday and ending on Sunday / Monday. This gives ample opportunity to cement the parent-child relationship and is filled with activities and structured communication exercises which could be highly beneficial for both.

These are held around Bangalore, in resorts which are about an hour’s drive outside the city. For dates / availability of vacancies, please contact on email / whatsapp.