Teenager Parenting

Teenager Parenting

Teenager Parenting
(between 12 – 19 years of age)

(Starts every fourth Monday of the month, one batch at 3pm, other at 7pm)

Day 1

•   Change in concepts of Parenting

•   Challenges being faced by new-age parents

•   Truths of teenage years


•   One one-to-one coaching session

      (with action plan)

•   5 E-Books

•   PPT

•   Session Recordings

•   Yearlong support

•   Bonus Sessions

•   25% off on future courses

•   Certification

Day 2

•   Need for Rules

•   5 P’s of Discipline

•   Habits & Health

Day 3

•   Digital Management

•   Addictions

•   How to get involved in their lives

Day 4

•   How to develop rapport

•   Facilitation

Day 5

•   Types of Intelligence

•   Types of Personalities

•   Informed Career Decisions