Toddler's Parenting

Toddler's Parenting

Toddler's Parenting
(Up to 5 years of age)

(10 hours programme, 2 hours per day for 5 days)

Day 1

•   Change in concepts of Parenting

•   Challenges being faced by new-age parents

•   Types of Parenting & their effects


•   One one-to-one coaching session

      (with action plan)

•   5 E-Books

•   PPT

•   Session Recordings

•   Yearlong support

•   Bonus Sessions

•   25% off on future courses

•   Certification


Day 2

•   Discuss theories on which Modern Parenting is based

•   Discussion with practical life examples

•   Bribes versus rewards

Day 3

•   Differentiate between toys and games

•   Ignite your child’s mind

•   Effect of screens and screen time management

•   Effect of 3D gaming in development

Day 4

•   How to handle tantrums, anger, defiance & meltdowns

•   How to connect and communicate with your child

Day 5

•   How children ‘mirror’ behaviour

•   Making your child independent

•   Labelling / Tagging & its effects

•   Quality time